Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Blackberry Love Affair and the Reset Button

Today I learned a very hard lesson. I didn't back-up my electronic files. It's ugly! It's like losing memories in a fire. You have to go digging through the ashes to find the odd photo or video.

I have a very serious Blackberry addiction. Well, it's more like a Blackberry love affair.

M gave me a Blackberry Playbook for Christmas last year. I opened the pretty blue and black box and fell in love. Like, serious love! I took it everywhere with me. Took photos - LOVELY photos! Watched movies and tv shows - in HD! Played games and showed the boy how to color on the screen.

After a few months, it became big and cumbersome so I bought a Blackberry Curve to bridge with my Playbook so that I'm never without one or the other - or both.

Blackberry is my life line to the outside world and current events. Blackberry is my entertainment. Blackberry is my memory keepers. Blackberry is my secret keeper.

Yesterday I organized my Playbook by backing up some photos and re-arranging some bookmarks. Today, when I re-started the Playbook, it just sat there like the lazy raccoon that sleeps all day and night in the tree in my backyard. I was devastated. Almost cried, actually. 

What about the files I didn't back up? The boy's first steps video is in there! So is his first giggle! Such lovely memories that I don't want to lose.

After hours of TLC, M manually backed-up most of the photos and videos. Now, I am faced with re-setting my Playbook to factory settings.

I'm heartbroken.

I have to start our relationship all over again. I have to re-establish our boundaries. I have to install new apps and save new bookmarks. And I'm a bookmark junkie. I can't believe that my Playbook let me down like this! :(  Factory settings are so dull and cold. 

I've opened a Shutterfly and DropBox account so that I can just dump photos and documents and other loving memories. I'm also considering hacking Project Life and creating my own version. It's a great alternative to Scrap Booking (which, let's face it, is really for mothers who have nannies or who are insomniacs) and it's prettier than journaling. It's ambitious but I want to be able to physically hand The Boy his 'life story' one day.

My life story, however, belongs on the damn Blackberry. :(

Lesson learned, Universe....lesson learned.


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