Monday, May 28, 2012


Me – The Basics

I’m a single Supermom. I allow myself that title because I’m living with Addison’s Disease and chasing around an enthusiastic, curious, non-stop, giggling toddler. He is my full time job – and there are no breaks when you’re a single mother.
I consider myself to be a gluten free foodie. I love to eat all the same foods I ate in my gluten-filled life – and I want them to taste the same dammit! I consider my own kitchen to be a bit of a science lab. When the gluten free experiment works, I want to share it with all my gluten free buddies.
I'm craft obsessed. I have a buffet of projects on the go - all the time. I'm a polymer clay enthusiast. I am a sewing newbie but I'm hooked. I crochet and scrapbook. And I have a Sharpie addiction that will eventually lead me to a room in a church basement with bad coffee and other Sharpie addicts. 

The Boy – The Basics

The Boy, or T, is a perpetually moving toddler. He is a delightful young man. He’s incredibly happy and a budding comedian. He rarely sleeps, hates vegetables, and loves soccer. He’s fast, chatty, and loves cartoons.
He makes me laugh every day and I tell people he is my hero. He saved my life in every sense of the word. I light up like a Christmas Tree every time I look at him.

The Baggage – The Basics

Mostly, the baggage is a lifetime of abuse and self-esteem issues. Writing about these issues is my therapy.
But this baggage is also earned. The saddle bags on my hips from nourishing my womb is baggage. The wrinkles out of the corner of my eyes. The scars on my tummy. The stiffness in my knees. The grey in my hair. 


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